Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Not Getting The Results You Are Looking For?

Our successes don't just come out of nowhere. It usually isn't just one thing that changed the course of our future either. It is a series of little things that have led us to where we are. These are all within our control. When you focus on what isn't working, what you aren't achieving, what you haven't gotten... That is exactly what you are telling the outside world and your own subconcious mind that you want more of. The aggravation wraps your mind up into actually working to bring you more of what you don't want.

So, how do you get what you DO want? Focus on what is working, what have you been able to accomplish (no matter how small), how far have you already come. Focus on the success of your life and that is what your brain and the world will begin to bring to you, more success. Many researchers will tell you a positive thought or vibration is stronger than a negative one. Absolutely true and I am very thankful for that. However, we all have two types of vibrations going out, our surface vibration/thoughts, and our deep seeded or core vibration and thoughts. The surface thoughts are the fastest and easiest to change and must be done. The ones that will truly bring to you what it is that you want is the core, the most difficult to change. This is where your personal development is a must. Personal development not only works with the surface but helps CHANGE the core.

Two simple practices to help with both sets of vibrations/thoughts are... journaling and meditation.

Jack Canfield refers to a journal as an Evidence Log, Results Journal, or a Gratitude Journal. This is a great way to see your true core and surface but also a way to help you steer and harness the power of your thoughts and to renew your vision to yourself. Jack suggests starting each day of journaling with reflecting upon what you are grateful for in your life and what has gone right either for that day, week, or your life as a whole, no matter how small. Also include what you see to be your future success and discuss how those achievements make you feel.

Meditation will help to quiet your mind so you can regain control and focus. This allows you to shut down the surface layer that is typically highly judgmental and critical. This practice will also allow you to tap into a higher level of creativity and help you achieve the results you are wanting. Many times you may ask yourself for the answer to questions that are hindering your success and as you quiet your mind, your own brain will offer you up the answer you have been searching for and now that the judgmental outer layer of your focus is quiet, you can hear the answers you need.

The other component is to remember, if you keep doing what you've always done, you will keep getting what you've always gotten. If you aren't getting the results you want then change what you are doing or how you are doing them. Take new actions or modify what you are already doing. Jack Canfield also mentions to remember the Rule of 5- every day do five things that will specifically take you towards your goal. Successful people are the ones who do the things that the failures won't do. What are you willing to do? What is success worth to you?

To Your Success,
Cristy Willis