Friday, May 28, 2010

Choose To Be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

No doubt about it, people are concerned about the uncertain economic times we find ourselves in. More specifically, their own job security, continued business success, and the value of their investment and retirement portfolios. Indeed, these are uncertain times, and for many people, there is a great deal of anxiety over this economic turmoil. However, with all the doom and gloom about the economy, there IS a solution!
There are many ways in which you can THRIVE in the midst of all this uncertainty. Here are several simple ideas I would like to suggest you consider that will help you make the most of where you are at and where you want to go....

Take a media fast. This may sound a little over-simplified, but the truth is the media amplifies the inherent fear people have in this situation. Most of what goes on in the media is hype and overstatement. The media business is based on creating an overstated, sensationalized point of view. I am not suggesting that the media does not accurately report the facts. I am simply suggesting that the media amplifies the insecurity of the situation, and in many ways, is a distorted and biased lens that does not support a more balanced and neutral assessment of our current circumstances. It is far better for you to trust your own inner wisdom about your financial circumstances and not let any outside influences breed more uncertainty in your life. Do yourself a favor and go on a media fast.

Think about others, not yourself. Uncertainty and fear drives people into an isolated point of view. A more useful approach is to focus on the areas of your life where you can be of value to others. Find ways to help instill confidence and light into people's lives. This shifts your energy into a more useful vibration and puts you in a place of wisdom and service. "The more people to you help get what they want, you will in return, receive everything you have ever wanted", Jim Rohn.

Focus on current opportunities. Focus on the now - it is the only time we can ever control. Your power to create a result resides here and now. know where you want to go in the future, but do make the most and be grateful for where you are right now. There is always opportunity in every circumstance.

Focus on creating more rewarding relationships. In uncertain times, it is natural to worry about the commodity of our jobs, products, and businesses... However, it is more useful to strengthen your relationships with people- your employer, your customer, your family, your community. By putting energy into the practice of strengthening all your relationships, you will add greater value to the people around you. In turn, the value of what you have to offer the world is increased.

Focus on what is available to you now, not what's missing. Uncertainty has a way of putting your focus on lack and limitation. When things adversely change around us, we tend to fixate on what is no longer available to us. A more useful strategy is to put your focus on what resources are available now. What skills, talents and inspired ideas can you use right now. Resourcefulness is a great discipline in times of uncertainty, and the results prove more powerful when things turn positive again. You have, whether you know it or not, all the resources within you to prosper no matter the outer circumstances.

You can't control the economy, or others... so don't waste your precious energy trying. Regardless of what is happening in the world, you can't control people, places or things. You can, however, control your responses to the events in your own life. Everything is a choice. Choosing to respond in a manner that serves you is a useful skill. There's nothing like adversity to sharpen this life skill.

Always be in gratitude. This is the most important strategy you can employ in tough, uncertain times. No matter how bad it is, there is ALWAYS something in your life for which you can be grateful... start with the fact that you are still alive and able to play the game of life! A feeling of lack and limitation cannot exist within a mind that is focused on being grateful. Gratitude is an amazing tool for your best thinking to emerge and your results to transform your life.

Yours In Gratitude!
Cristy Willis