Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Follow Your Intuition

I have had an interesting day... and one that has, once again, taught me to follow and trust my intuition! And it feels fantastic to make a decision knowing you have trusted your intuition, it just feels RIGHT!
Intuition is an immediate recognition of the truth, independent of any reasoning process.

When you follow your intuition, you have more energy moving through you - you are in the flow, you feel alive! When you don't follow your intuition, life can become a struggle, like swimming against the tide. You can train your intellect to listen to your intuitive knowingness, and learn not to ignore, discount, or contradict the intuitive feelings you are getting. You can trust your own inner knowingness, and make yourself the authority of what is right for you.
Your intuition guides you to do new things, to be in the flow, to experience more grace and ease, to follow your heart, and guides you to be in the right place at the right time. It also leads you to taking good care of yourself, your health, and your emotions, and to having improved relationships with people. It can make your career, creative endeavors, and work life better, more enjoyable, and even effortless. Following your intuition can increase the flow of money and prosperity in your life, for as your internal guide and teacher, it is always showing you what to do to increase the flow of energy.

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein

Never underestimate the power of YOUR intuition!
An empowered, Cristy Willis!