Sunday, June 6, 2010

Living In Gratitude... What Are You Grateful For?

When you are in a state of sincere appreciation you feel GREAT…

Living with an attitude of gratitude produces great results in mood, and therefore in all areas of life.… I’m grateful that I can write this post and share my happiness!

The more you practice living in gratitude, and the more you practice that ON PURPOSE, the more you train yourself to feel good, till it becomes an habit and your life experience begins to shift, constantly. Powerful stuff!

What are you grateful for today?
I’m grateful for the power of writing.

I’m grateful for my family and loved ones surrounding me.
I'm grateful for the time spent flying a kite with my kids today.
I am grateful for our amazing country.
I’m grateful for having eyes to see, ears to hear, knowledge which flows to me from everywhere,
I’m grateful for this wonderful world of the internet, for the love which flows to me from everywhere, for how I’m spending my time now, for having lungs to breath, and a smile to share, and a mouth to speak.
I'm grateful for all the God given blessings I have received today.
I'm grateful for love!

And you? What are you grateful for? Make sure you let me know what you think.
Leave me a Comment…I’d love to hear from You!
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Yours in Gratitude...
Live For Today and Make It Count!
Cristy Willis